Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I love this book. Its so easy to read, and by the short chapters, I feel like I'm getting so much accomplished, that I should keep reading more. (even though I'm half asleep, I need to keep reading.) So I'm a little past half of the book, so hopefully I'm not ruining anything for you guys, because I forget whats in what half, and I don't feel like getting my book. So I'll try my hardest not to give anything away thats too important. But I feel like there is no story actually taking place. I feel like theres no important plot that makes the story interesting, but at the same time its really good. It's not like Montana where you have a freaky Uncle, and people shooting guns, but it has a different type of energy, and glow. A common theme that I find through out the book, is that they don't like who they are. They are always trying to change who they are, or imagine their lives as someone different. From the start of the book, Esperanza talks about how she doesn't like her name. She can't stands it, and wants to be called something else. They also play games to change who they are. This whole theme makes me think of this song by the Jonas Brothers called "I am what I am" where they talk about being themselves, and no one can change it. Going back to the chapter about hair, I think that when they discribe their hair, its not only talking about their hair, but their personalitys that go with them. She also talks about the sky, and the coulds a lot. I think its saying that her life is calm, and peaceful, and everything is okay at the current moment. I feel that Esperanza is very steryotypical, and has no hope for people that are not her friends, or her neighbors. I also think that she is very nosy, and knows everyone. I'm not sure if this is half way either, but the character Ruthie, reminds me of Carla Tates from the movie The Other Sister. I feel that Ruthie is very against her mom, and is in her own world. The character Carla Tates, (a mentally challanged girl,) is in her own world, and through out the movie begins to move away from her mom, and Ruthie asks her mom permission, and then starts to make decisions on her own. But we only know her for one that comparsion is really pointless. But i don't like how Esparenza has to give money to Rachel and Lucy to be her friend! thats terrible. She should have just stayed friends with Cathy. So overall, I think this book is pretty decent. Can't wait to finish it!
have fun everyone whose going away over break!