Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Awakening (first half)

This book is probably one of the worst books I've ever read. I have no idea whats going on, there is wayyy to many characters, and it has no plot line. But putting that all aside, I think this book leaves a lot more for the reader to interpret than Montana did. I think that the beach is edna's mental and physical escape from whats going on in her life. I also think that she's having a difficult time with her husband, and that he is putting her in very stereotypical roles, and she isn't liking it. During the part when she finally learns how to swim, and she keeps looking back at everyone on shore, it shows that she would really like to leave him, but she is afraid, and will never truly leave him. I think Edna is very stuck up, and that she needs to get her way, or nothing. and Mr. Pointiller doesn't let her have her way sometimes, and she gets frustrated. I think that Edna and Robert are having an affair, and that adele loves robert, and she's jealous of whats going on between them. This book is really boring, and very slow moving. It keeps adding more characters, and not introducing them, and it really frustrates me because i have no idea who they are and then I get reallly confused. Another part I was confused about was when they had that big family party..are they all realated? and whats up with the lady in black? who is she? I truly don't want to read any more of this book, but i have to. So hopefully it will start moving a little faster....


EE said...

What a blog! This book is truly slow, but it does have things to think about. I feel like the lady in black almost represents what Edna is feeling inside. Black represents death and mourning and thats how Edna feels. She is trapped in a life that she knows she does not belong to. I actually think that Edna will do something radical and perhaps leave her husband. I hope this book gets better and we start enjoying it! :)

ghettoladay said...

urggggg. i totally understand your frustration. i feel the same way. the characters can get confusing, but i have to disagree because although they dont FORMALLY introduce them, they do describe their characteristics with detail. It is very slowwwwww though. so that sucks, i agree.... i also have to disagree with the fact that Edna is very stuck up; i think she's just so lost and trapped in a world that she is dying to get out of. I liked your comparison to when she first learned how to swim and how she kept looking back, hoping to leave him, however well aware that she couldn't. It seems that we have similar views and we should definitely both stay optimistic,,,,,,because something HAS TO HAPPENNNNN,,,,,,right?